Hello Everyone,
It won’t be long now until Christmas and we are pleased to say that Carols on the Green will be back this year, on 15th December at 4pm until 5pm. This year we are paying for some marquees and a sound system through our ward funds. At least the band and Father Christmas will be able to keep warm and dry! Afterwards, there will be food and hot drinks at Bamford Bowling Club, just across the road. Please come along and support this community event.
We are pleased to have been able to fund a Defibrillator which has been installed outside the bowling club, and which will be for community use should the need arise. Thanks to the club for suggesting this and agreeing to have it installed on their property.
The saga of the new speed warning signs on Norden Road continues. We have been told that the sign which was put up had to be taken down as a new pole was needed. Our Highways department is now waiting for Eon to provide the poles and electrics for both signs. We have asked that they are done as soon as possible.
More of our ward funds will be used to protect the junction of Woodgate Avenue and Bury Rd by providing double yellow lines. This is at the request of residents there who often have difficulty pulling out into Bury Rd because of parked vehicles obstructing their line of sight.
The format of our Ward Forums will be changing yet again in November. The next one will be on 5th November at Brimrod Methodist Church, 6.30pm. Invitations will be sent from your Ward Councillors rather than from the Township officer and the meetings will be less formal, but we still feel that they are important.
As always, please get in touch at any time if you need to speak to us.
Angela, Steve, and Phil.