Norden is Represented by:
Local Issues:
As Ward Councillors we are here to help residents with a wide range of issues and problems, from planning and housing to roads, bins and the cost of living, if we can't help directly we will always do our best to direct you to a point of further information or assistance. Here are a few of the general issue that people have been contacting us about recently along with helpful information and updates.
IX Wireless
Many residents have been in touch to share their concerns about the roll out of new broadband infrastructure in Norden. whilst there are several companies undertaking this work ahead of the national switch-off of the copper cable network in 2025, the vast majority of complaints have come to us regarding IX Wireless and their overground network of poles and masts.
The Background: In 2025 the copper cable network that has previously facilitated phone and internet services will be cut-off and all homes in the UK will move over to a fibre-based broadband service. Even if you do not use the internet you will still need broadband if you wish to operate a landline phone. In preparation for this change the Government issued general permitted development guidelines to network contractors so that they could install the necessary infrastructure for the new fibre optic networks. Over 240 contractors registered with OFCOM to carry out work in different areas across the UK. Most companies have placed their cables in new or existing underground ducting but some (including IX Wireless in our area) have used the cheaper overhead option which involves erecting hundreds of wooden/metal telegraph-style poles and several very large steel masts with transmitter heads and large cabinets located beside them at ground level.
The Objection: Some residents have been particularly concerned about the number and frequency of poles, especially in areas built after around 1980 which do not generally have other overhead networks. Other complaints have included poles being sited too close to homes, driveways and access points or in other obstructive ways. There have been further concern about the lack of consultation with either the council or members of the public about when, how and where the poles will be located.
There has been further public concern raised about the much larger masts, which some people feel are too big (up to 15m tall) and come with various ground level cabinets from 3-6 feet tall. The main concerns are around the size, locations and general unsightly nature of these poles. Other concerns have been raised about any related health issues which may result from the 'waves' from these masts once operational.
What is Happening: As ward councillors we have been listening to the concerns of resident since the work began and have met with residents, held public meetings to discuss the issue, communicated concerns back to our officers, MPs and IX wireless themselves and have been working with colleagues in other boroughs who are all having the same experience. We continue to speak with residents to keep them updated and give regular updates as we have any news via this page and the Norden Community Forum.
Our officers have been extremely diligent it understanding the legalities of the permitted development guidance, seeking advice and communicating with representatives from IX Wireless to ensure that works have been monitored and regulated. On two occasions the Council have issued stop orders on works due to inappropriate work practices.
Earlier this year the council lodged a formal notice against one mast (a test case) the mast is a crucial part of the network infrastructure and an objection was received against this notice. The case will now be heard by a planning enquiry and we are awaiting a date and further information for that hearing.
the council will continue to monitor closely the work of all contractors, from all companies to ensure that any work carried out in our borough is done safely and in accordance with the necessary guidelines and bylaws.
What's Next: We will keep residents informed of what is happening and should the need arise for residents to make contributions to any hearing we will ensure that they have that opportunity.
Winter Fuel Payments
Lots of people have been in touch with us to tell us about their concerns regarding the loss of their Winter Fuel Parment this year. the short notice and income loss has left some residents with a real dilemma and we want you to know that if you are in the same situation we are here to help.
If you are struggling please get in touch with any of us and we will be happy to discuss the options for applying of Pension Credits or other support that may be available to you.